Honeycomb Calcite
Why “Honeycomb”?
Physical Properties
Honeycomb Calcite cells grow in a conical shape over millions of years. This accounts for the different cell patterns commonly found in the stone. Honeycomb Calcite contain iron deposits in the stone produce its colors ranging from a soft, pale sunshine lemon yellow to a deep, rich honey golden amber depending on the thickness of the stone.
Healing Properties
Honeycomb Calcite has a gentle expansive vibration that amplifies energy. Simply placing a piece in a room can clear stagnant and negative energies, as well as heighten your energy. Stones with natural holes such as Honeycomb Calcite – holey stones – are believed to possess powerful protective energy.
Additional healing properties of the stone include he following:
- heals and activates your crown and navel chakras
- strengthens your psychic abilities, astral projection and higher consciousness
- excellent for mediation and attuning to higher Source energy and guidance
- calming energy that alleviates stress and brings clarity
- gives you the power to solidify new relationships and new interests
- encourage you to persevere and deal with changes as well as se thigs from a new and different perspective
- motivating energy that helps with procrastination and laziness
- helps you to at on your ideas
- instills courage and helps you to overcome obstacles
- helps you to feel optimistic if you’ve lost hope
- adds zest, optimism and meaning to your life and relationships
- helps you to think clearly, focus and remember things
- helps recovery from abusive situations
- strengthens feeling of self-worth and confidence
- helps you to use your personal power in the right way
- encourages responsibility in leadership
- excellent for physical healing
- benefits kidneys, bladder, and female organs